Ever since I found my passion in photography, I have usually just offered 'on-location' portraits. Which means outside photography. I find it more my style, there's the trees, old barns, flowers, water & TONS more! The amount of backgrounds are infinate!
    Lately I've been looking at some fellow photographers studio (indoor) work. Studio sessions have a lot more to them compared to On-Location sessions. You have to get the lighting just right whether it's with lights or natural light from a window or door. Postioning goes right along with lighting, if your subjuect isn't postioned correctly there is most likely going to be shade on one half of him/her.
    Even though there is more work involved in working out of a studio. I have been looking into getting a space, backdrops, lighting, props, etc! I think it will be a wonderful challenge, that will help me grow in with my photography. It is also convinent in the Fall/Winter! Raining or snowing outside? Have no fear! Your studio is here! :)

What are YOUR thoughts on Tonya Marie opening a studio as well as doing on-location?